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Hypnobirthing: My Top 5 Tips for an Empowered and Positive Birth Experience

Writer: CharlotteCharlotte

Here are a few important lessons that I've learned from my own positive birth experience using Hypnobirthing. Let's call them my top tips for an empowered and positive birth.

Pregnant woman holding her bump and looking through the window.

#1 - Take control of your pregnancy and birth.

Too many people believe that going with the flow is the only way to get through pregnancy and birth. I believe that there is too much at stake to leave it to chance... A positive birth doesn't start with your first contractions, it starts with all the decisions you will be making throughout your pregnancy. From obvious things like your diet and physical activity, to educating yourself and choosing how and where you wish to welcome your baby.

One size doesn't fit all when it comes to birth, and only you will know what is right for you and your baby.

Hypnobirthing courses help you to take control of your experience through knowledge, advocacy tools, and confidence building relaxations scripts.

#2 - Invest in your birth: book a Hypnobirthing course for you and your chosen birth partner!

It might be hard to find the time or to justify the cost of a top rated Hypnobirthing course, but once you have done it, you will realise how invaluable it is. Fully comprehensive courses should include at least 10 hours of live tuition spread over a few session.

Many teachers including myself also offer payment plans so never hesitate to ask. Your Hypnobirthing course should cover information about birth physiology, the mind/ body effect, how to create a conducive environment for a calmer and more comfortable birthing experience, breathing techniques to find calm and focus through the different stages of labour, hypnosis in the form of guided deep-relaxation and visualisations (designed to relieve anxiety and build confidence), the principles of an active birth, birth positions and biomechanics, your options and your rights within the maternity system, decision-making tools, and stress-relieving strategies for pregnancy and birth, and birth partner support.

#3 - Practice

One of the most apparent differences between Hypnobirthing and other antenatal programmes is that the course includes powerful tools to release stress and anxiety, so that you can fully let go of all tensions during the birth, and have a greater chance to achieve a gentler and more comfortable experience. However, just learning about these tools won't make much of a difference. After all, would you train for a marathon by reading a book about running? Hypnobirthing practice includes listening to relaxation tracks (guided relaxation using hypnotic language patterns), and adding short breathing exercises to your daily routine. This practice should fit even the busiest schedules, and is key to a positive birth and empowering experience.

#4 - Trust yourself and the power of your intuition.

This was and still is today the most important learning for me. In a way, all of the above would not matter if we could just flick a switch and be able to naturally trust ourselves to be able to birth our babies, and to know when to ask for support. Hypnobirthing in a way is all about unlearning. Releasing the weight of a life time of traumatic birth talks, and regaining confidence in our strength and resilience. In hindsight, I wish I'd have insisted for the midwives to listen to me and to stay a little longer (read my birth story in my previous post). This would have made Oren's entrance less overwhelming but I think that as a mother, that lesson has been very empowering. I should and will always trust my gut.

What is your gut saying?

#5 - Don't idealise a certain type of birth.

I would have actually preferred a longer second stage (also referred as the pushing stage) as it would have meant less adrenaline and potentially a quicker physical recovery for myself and Oren. Quick births have their down sides too...

There is no right way to give birth. You might decide that a homebirth is what you would like to plan for, or equally you might opt for an elective c-section. What makes a positive experience is how you feel during the birth, NOT how it unfolds. You want to be able to make informed decisions, and to feel calm and in control. And this is why I do what I do! To give you all the tools so you can look back one day and relive your birth experience as the happiest memory and the most empowering event of your life.

For more information about my Complete Hypnobirthing Course and to book your spot, click below.

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